The European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA), authoritatively established on 23 November 2005, was taken up in the registry of relationship of the County Court Brühl (Germany) under the number “VR 1397”. In this manner, the over five years of age status of an absolutely casual affiliation which had been established on 14 September 2000 in Wolfsburg was conveyed to an end and changed over into an official affiliation.
When it was established, the European Industrial Hemp Association (EIHA) had seven individuals from the EU nations Great Britain, the Netherlands, Germany and Italy, every one of them essential processors of Hemp (supposed fiber partition organizations).
• To bolster the development, handling and utilization of mechanical Hemp – i.e. Hemp strains that are permitted to be developed as per EU law and the crude materials of which are handled modernly – and its items.
• To gather essential data on mechanical Hemp and modern Hemp arrangement, to distribute information about the European Natural Fibers Industry and to build up market figures and patterns.
• To give modern accomplices simple access to the European Hemp Industry through the EIHA landing page.
• To set up a standard trade of data between its individuals and to co-work with other national, European and universal associations and affiliations.
• To speak to the business to EU foundations and National Ministries.
• To bolster correspondence between the National Ministries concerning EU-arrangement.
• To give EU establishments, National Ministries, the media and the general population with present and solid data on mechanical Hemp, to create and submit proposals for changes to present laws, controls, norms and rules on EU and national levels.
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